Signature Ultimate
Redefining the Standard

Design Possibilities
The beauty of Signature Ultimate is found in every thoughtful detail that, when combined, can completely transform how a room feels. Its extensive selection of shapes, styles, sizes and options means more flexibility to meet any design challenge. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, we can help you make nearly anything you can imagine.

Extraordinary Innovations
You’ll feel Signature Ultimate quality in every touch. It’s in simple and smart breakthroughs like Lift Lock hardware, which allows for easy access to open and lock a window. It’s in our Lock Status Sensor: a home automation solution that gives you peace of mind because it indicates if a window or door is closed and locked, or if it’s unlocked. These are just a few examples of our many industry-leading innovations.

Unmatched Craftsmanship
Signature Ultimate windows and doors are available in a range of wood species and a variety of stains and paint options. We sand, condition, stain and oven-cure each individual piece of wood, providing a rich interior finish.
The Ultimate Catalog

Get detailed information on the Ultimate product line including types of windows and doors, color and finish options, sizing, hardware, and other key details.
Download the Catalog

Beautiful Design
Every detail is thoughtfully considered in stunning designs with the highest levels of architectural correctness.
Explore ModernWe’re here to help you!
Whether you are looking for beautiful window solutions for your new home, or have old windows needing replacement, we are here to help.
Contact Us TodayEldredge Lumber & Hardware
Eldredge Lumber has been serving southern Maine and New Hampshire since 1937, offering a wide array of building and home products to contractors and consumers.
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